BUILDING A BETTER DISTRICTA Movement By Citizens Demanding Transparency, Accountability, and Community Engagement for Central CUSD 301/Burlington in the State of Illinois.Building A Better District is a taxpayer-led movement and is not affiliated with, nor endorsed by, the Illinois State or Kane County Regional Board of Education, nor any individual school district, or administration/Board of Education. |
Did you know Kane County has a new Farmland Preservation Program that will protect farmland that is accepted into the program? If you know a local farmer, make sure they know to apply for this program and protect their land from being overtaken by development.
Six new farms were recently protected under the new ordinance:
Right now, there are over 600 family farms in Kane County with more than 1,000 family farmers supporting 14,000 local jobs and an estimated $1.4 billion in total sales.
"The benefit of protecting working farms include reducing greenhouse gases, suburban sprawl and increasing the tracts of uninterrupted farmland. Agriculture and open space occupy nearly one-half of the land base of Kane County, leading Illinois in the number of nurseries, greenhouses, floriculture and sod production. New livestock development also accounts for additional jobs creating additional economic growth within the County."
Read more here:
Our Rural Roots Are What Makes Us A Strong Community