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A Movement By Citizens  Demanding Transparency, Accountability, and Community Engagement for Central CUSD 301/Burlington in the State of Illinois.Building A Better District is a taxpayer-led movement and is not affiliated with, nor endorsed by, the Illinois State or Kane County Regional Board of Education, nor any individual school district, or administration/Board of Education. 

This content related to the proposed $195 million referendum on the March 19, 2024 Ballot and was based on the information available at that time. It is preserved here for the reference of the community.

Understanding Student Yield Factor ("SYF")

The Student Yield Factor or SYF is a calculation that helps normalize data when a district is trying to account for future growth. It refers to the estimated number of students that new residential development (such as new homes) is expected to generate for local schools. This factor helps in planning for educational resources, infrastructure, and staffing.

Because the actual number of homes built and sold from year to year can vary greatly, a Student Yield Factor is often calculated per 100 homes to provide a standardized figure that is easier to understand and compare across different areas or periods of time.

By using per 100 new homes, SYF translates to a percentage that can be directly applied as an expected number of students for every 100 new homes sold.

Generally speaking, Single Family (SF) homes yield more kids than Townhomes (TH) or “Multi-Family” homes (MF).  Age-restricted housing obviously has a “0” factor.

  • For instance, if the raw student yield factor is 0.22, then the student yield factor per 100 new homes would be 0.22×100=22.
  • This would mean that for every 100 new homes sold, 22 new student enrollments would be expected.

According to the district's Focus Group presentation, Central CUSD301 uses a Student Yield Factor of .8.  

The district has not shared how they arrived at this figure.

Building A Better District strongly recommends the district share how it calculated a SYF of .8 including the details of the data used in the calculation, the sources of the data, and the date ranges used to aggregate that data, particularly as it relates to projected New Home Sales in the future.


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