BUILDING A BETTER DISTRICTA Movement By Citizens Demanding Transparency, Accountability, and Community Engagement for Central CUSD 301/Burlington in the State of Illinois.Building A Better District is a taxpayer-led movement and is not affiliated with, nor endorsed by, the Illinois State or Kane County Regional Board of Education, nor any individual school district, or administration/Board of Education. |
Running for school board can sound daunting and the process can be overwhelming if you have never gone through it before. To help our community understand this process and make it easy to run for board of education, we are hosting a series on how to run for Board of Education. We'll help you understand: What the role of a BOE member actually is We will be holding information sessions, resources, candidate "meet & greets", recommended readings, and more to help you on your journey to BOE Candidate.
The Consolidated Election will take place on Tuesday, April 1, 2025. Nominating petitions may begin circulating on August 20, 2024, and continue through November 11, 2024. You must have your candidate package turned into the clerk between November 12, 2024 and November 18, 2024.
Resources2025 Kane County Candidate Guide (see Page #52) 2025 Kane County Election & Campaign Finance Calendar (see Page #28) IASB - School Board Elections Information IASB - School District's Guide to Identifying, Recruiting, and Mentoring Future School Board Members IASB - Qualifications & Characteristics of A School Board Member | FormsStatement of Candidacy Form: Nonpartisan SBE Form P-1A Loyalty Oath (optional): All candidates SBE Form P-1C Statement of Economic Interest Form: Statement of Economic Interest Petitions - (Petitions May Begin Circulating as of August 20, 2024) At-Large: SBE Form P-7 (Candidates running for Central D301 should use this form)
It's never too early to start learning how to be the best Board of Education member you can be and take steps to understand what "good governance" means and what it looks like. The titles below will be referenced and used in Book Clubs and upcoming trainings for potential Board of Education candidates. Please see our statement below about our participation in the Amazon Associates program where you can support our work by purchasing these titles from our links!
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